We are proud that all Spectrum Courses are accredited by independent assessors at the CPD UK Certification Service.

CPD UK is the leading independent accreditation institution to support continuing professional development.

Upon successful completion of a Spectrum Course you will receive a CPD qualification in either:

- Transporting a Child with Special Educational Needs - Driver 

- Transporting a Child with Special Educational Needs - Pupil Escort

Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is an independent CPD accreditation centre working across all sectors, disciplines and further learning applications.  

Their endorsement of all Spectrum Courses adds significant value by independently assessing our courses and ensuring all courses pass the qualitative benchmark assessments which sets standards of Continuing Professional Development policies of institutional and professional organisations.  

The process takes an impartial and objective overview of structure and value to ensure full conformity to CPD guidelines.